“Parable of the Cafones” is a short story written by my friend and editor Larry Venturato

“Parable of the Cafones” is a short story written by my friend Larry Venturato.  The story appeared in a recent edition of VIA.  For those of you who don’t understand the term “cafone,” it is an Italian word meaning a peasant, but it is often used instead as a slang reference to an uncouth person or a person who is an embarrassment to himself or others.  

Check it out:


6 Responses to ““Parable of the Cafones” is a short story written by my friend and editor Larry Venturato”

  1. Lawrence this read brings memories of growing up in Brooklyn in an Italian neighborhood. The nicknames and all! I liked it and could relate to it. Ciao!

  2. Loved this short story! I also love his other mob books I’ve read. They are fun to read and the aspects of that mob life are quite fascinating. Defnitely recommend reading his books!

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