Archive for “666” tattoo

Joe Bruno on the Mob – Three Hells Angels Charged With the Murder of a Key Witness

Posted in criminals, crooks, Gangs, gangsters, Hell's Angels, mobs, Mobsters, murder, police, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 19, 2011 by Joe Bruno's Blogs

Two innocent men were allegedly killed because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

David Glasser had agreed to become a witness in the trial of Hells Angel gang member Adam Lee Hall, who was facing trial for kidnapping, extortion, witness intimidation and other charges. Hall was identified by the police as the sergeant at arms for the Berkshire County chapter of the Hells Angels.

According to the police, Hall, along with David Chalue and Caius Veiovis, went to the Pittsfield, Mass. home of Glasser to kill him before he could testify against Hall. At Glasser’s home at the time of the alleged three killers arrival were the unlucky duo of Edward Frampton (Glasser’s roommate), and Robert Chadwell. Not wanting to leave any witnesses, the police say that Hall, Chalue and Veiovis killed Frampton and Chardwell, along with Glasser. The bodies of the three men were found buried in a shallow grave in Berkshire County. Police have also said that blood was found inside the cars driven by Chalue and Veiovis.

Velvois is a particularly scary looking individual. His police mug shot shows a “666” tattoo (the Devil’s Sign) on his forehead, horn implants under his scalp from his forehead to his nose, eyebrow and nose piercings (with a bull’s horn coming out of each nostril), and a tattoo that runs from his earlobe to his nose.

All three gang members have pleaded innocent to the murders and are awaiting trial.

An interesting bit of information is that The Berkshire Eagle has reported that Hall, who was reportedly free on bail when the killings occurred, was so desperate to avoid going back into the can, he recently went to the FBI and offered to become an informant. According to the newspaper report, the Feds turned down Hall’s offer, saying he was “uncontrollable and much too dangerous.”

If this is true, and you can’t always believe everything you read in the newspapers, I don’t think Hall’s pals, Chalue and Veiovis, are going to be too happy with their fellow gang member’s actions.

The article below can be read at:

Hells Angel accused of murder lives up to his name with wild tattoos and horn implants

Editor’s note: I have been informed that Hall was removed form the Hell’s Angels before this incident occurred, so he was not, at the time of ther two murders, technically a mamber of the Hells Angels.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Hells Angels honcho and two other men – one with a Satanic “666” tattooed on his forehead – were charged with killing a key witness in the biker’s upcoming trial.

The trio, all behind bars Tuesday in Massachusetts with no bail, also killed two other men to cover up the slaying of witness David Glasser, 44, police said.

The dead man was slated to testify against motorcycle gang member Adam Lee Hall, 34, who was facing trial this month for kidnapping, extortion, witness intimidation and other charges.
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Hall was identified by authorities as the sergeant at arms for the Berkshire County chapter of the Hells Angels.

Arrested with Hall were David Chalue, 44 and Caius Veiovis, 31. The latter’s scary mugshot featured his “666” tattoo, horn implants under his scalp, piercings in his nose and eyebrow and another tattoo stretching from his earlobe to his nose.

Police said that blood was found inside the cars driven by Chalue and Veiovis – who smirked at spectators inside the courtroom at his Monday arraignment.

Heavy security greeted the suspects when they arrived at Central Berkshire District Court.

All three men pleaded not guilty to the murders of Glasser, Edward Frampton, 58 and Robert Chadwell, 47. The three men disappeared on the weekend of Aug. 27-28 from a Pittsfield, Mass., home shared by Glasser and Frampton.

According to authorities, the accused killers came to the residence to abduct Glasser – and snatched up his two friends for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Autopsies were scheduled to determine how the victims were killed. Their bodies were found buried this weekend in Berkshire County.

Hall was reportedly free on bail when the killings occurred. The biker was so desperate to avoid going back to jail that he recently offered to become an FBI informant – only to have the feds reject him as “uncontrollable and much too dangerous,” according to The Berkshire Eagle.